Monday, June 22, 2009
About Me
- Name: Angelika
- Location: Fort Knox, KY, United States
I'm a military wife, imported from Germany, but pretty much americanized over the years. I married a soldier and have two recruits. My knitting and my crafts keep me sane and blogging help me find new friends with same interests since knitters seem to be rare where I live.

Previous Posts
- Knock Knock
- Spin me right round
- New KP Project
- Family Picture
- Bad Blogger
- All about dogs
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- New Obsession
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My Daily Dose
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- Alpaca Rose
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- Criminy Jickets
- Feeling Tangerine
- The Giving Flower
- Grumperina
- Guilty Pleasures
- Have You Any Wool
- Issues with Knitting
- Jewel Tomes
- Karin Socke
- KnitObsession
- Knits Well With Others
- Knittin' Mama
- Knittin' Notes
- Knittin' and Lovin' It
- Knitting in Color
- Knitty Gritty Thoughts
- Mommy Susie Knits
- My Boring Life
- Needles on Fire
- Pat's Knitting and Quilting
- See Eunny Knit
- Smoking Hot Needles
- Stardust Shoes
- Stranded on Fair Isles
- Tammy Knits
- Tiennie Knits
- Toward the Blue Peninsula
- Verona's Strickstube
- What's Wannietta Knitting Today
- Woll normal
- Yarn Harlot
- Yarnhog

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My Knit Rings
It's absolutely beautiful!!!
OMG, that shawl is just stunning!!!! I love it!
It's beautiful!
So pretty. I have the same problem with Rav.
It's gorgeous! I love the colours
Gorgeous! Love the color and the design.
Mei der schaut toll aus. Wie heisst die Wolle und von wen ist die? Die gefaellt mir auch. Vorallem die Farbstreifen sind dir gut gelungen in deinem Project. Ja, die Karin hat recht, du bist eine Meisterstrickerin. Fehlerfrei und schnell oben drein. Gut gemacht!!!
What a beautiful color combination. of course, the workmanship helps, too.
Gorgeous! Your workmanship as always is superb!
TRe bela
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