Sunday, June 03, 2007

Body is done

We actually had some rain yesterday. I mean all day! It hasn't rained here in weeks, maybe even months and we had wild fires between GA and FL going on for weeks. Hopefully that rain took care of that. I tell you, I felt sorry for my dog. I went out twice with her, but we got so wet that she didn't want to do what she was supposed to.

Anyway, that called for a whole day of knitting. After dragging myself onto the treadmill for an hour (oh, I'm so proud of myself) I devoted the rest of the day to the Fair Isle sweater and I finished the body of it. Here are some pictures. I hope I did everything right. It's not falling apart, so I guess I didn't do too badly.

This is a front view of the sweater, a side view with the steek and the "beard" and the shoulder seam with the edge of the steek. Now I don't know if I was supposed to connect the shoulders, if the steek isn't cut or secured, but I just did it that way. Now more pictures.

A picture of the neck steek and two more of the whole shoulder seam and the neck opening all together. As you can tell, I'm not rushing to cutting anything yet. I'm letting this body sit and simmer for a while, while I work on the sleeves. I already started last night on the first one. Hey, my neighbors next door didn't let me sleep anyway. At 11.20 pm they decided to bang with something on the wall on and off until almost midnight. I was going nuts. Do they have to do their remodeling in the middle of the night? Anyway, since I didn't get to sleep until after midnight, I started the sleeve. I hope I'm doing the increases right. I'm working it on a circular needle with the magic loop, just like if it was a sock. I don't have any dpn in that size.

Isn't that a nice basket full of yarn? This is how I travel from place to place, when I knit. I move it from my bed to the couch to the front porch, to the back yard. It's nice and portable that way.

I still haven't figured out what my next lace project from the lace style book is going to be, so if anybody has any suggestions or wants to knit something at the same time, let me know. It's always more fun to knit together.



At 10:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is looking fantastic! Great job on getting that hour on the treadmill too - don't you feel less guilty knitting after you've done that?

Let me know what you decide to do from the lace style book. I may just join you but I'm bad at decisions.

At 11:38 PM, Blogger Catherine Kerth said...

I LOVE fair Isle knitting...its so beautiful...great job lookin' good ;)

At 3:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Na Geli, da kann der nächste Winter ja bald kommen.... Bist ganz schön fleißig, muss ich schon sagen!
Das Stricktreffen war klasse! Hab da auch viele Mädels kennen gelernt, die hinter den verschiedenen blogs stecken. Hatten eine richtige Gaudi miteinander!
LG Karin

At 4:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, you're speeding right along on that FI, aren't you? It looks lovely, and how awesome that you figured out the neck steeks!

At 11:57 AM, Blogger Julie said...

That sweater is coming along so quickly! You're such a natural at Fair Isle. And the color scheme is so warm and pretty - I love it. Can't wait to see the finished product. Better get it done while it's still chilly outside!

At 2:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, what a gorgeous sweater. You're doing such a fantastic job. I haven't tried Fair Isle yet, must less STEEKS! CUT MY KNITTING? EGADS! Good for you and can't wait to see it finished.

At 4:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow, that looks gorgeous.

Du bist ja ganz schön mutig, einfach die Ärmel aufzutrennen. Aber recht hast Du, bevor das Teil nur im Schrank herumliegt.


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