Addition to my stash
Thank you, thank you, thanks again, Erica for getting that yarn for me. I just love it all and can't wait to start on more socks. Even though this yarn is summer sock yarn with cotton, it's still great. I just had to show it off. Sorry if some of the colors are a little too light. Those will definately go good with any kind of jeans. They came from the stash sale my friend Karin in Germany has going on right now. I just couldn't resist.

I'm also working on a thing of a different kind right now. Like I said before, as long as it involves needles and a string, no matter what kind, I'm trying it. I got a little bit back into sewing and am working a coaster made of fleece in the pattern of a grandmothers flower garden. How do you like it so far? It still needs a backing and I put together the pedals with plastic templates in the back. Once all sides are sewn together the templates will be popped out and can be reused. Perfectly straight Y seams every time. When it's done I'll show it in action with a coffee or tea cup on it, so you'll see the actually size. Oh, and the callusses are adding up on my sewing finger again. Joy (it's a sewing thing).

That coaster looks really cool. Removeable templates--I've never heard of those...what a neat concept.
Supi, daß dir die Wolle gefällt. Jetzt kann's ja losgehen mit Sockenstricken (Strim??). Bin gerade am Werkeln für meine Enkel, weil ich am WE hinfahre. Der Kleine hat Geburtstag. Hoffentlich krieg ich das noch alles einigermaßen hin...
Schöne Woche noch, Karin
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