Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Wanna know what I did today?

How do you guys like the mess I made today? Yes, I did this on purpose! I destashed my closet and pulled all the fabric I brought with me and stored in moving boxes to see what I had. I was volunteering at out local souvenir store and figured I have to find something I can do to sell over there. The store is run by our officer's wives (I'm not one of them and we won't hold that against them) and they sell anything to do with the 3rd ID, Army, Americana or anything handmade. So I figured that's exactly where I belong. Unfortunately it doesn't pay, but I'm surrounded by nice things and get to meet new people.

Anyway, to get back to the subject. I finally pulled out the fabric and kept out the solids, the baby, the christmas, and fall fabrics. The plan for those is rag quilts, since we are going to have all those new babies, christmas stockings, pin cushions, coasters, service flags and anything else that I can manage. I was even thinking of recycling my husbands old BDUs, DCUs and Chocolate Chip DCUs to make baby bips. Good idea? If any of you has any suggestions, I'm glad for any kind of input.


At 5:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, not all officer's wives are bad! ;) It sounds like you have a lot planned for the souvenier store. I'm sure Christmas crafts will sell really well. I think the BDU bibs would be cute, too.

At 5:31 PM, Blogger Marina said...

Is your yarn stash like that too? ;-)

At 7:17 AM, Blogger Petra said...

Ich kann mir gut vorstellen, dass Lätzchen aus Tarnuniformen ganz gut ankommen in solch einem Laden. Vielleicht auch Krabbeldecken für die zukünftigen kleinen Soldaten ;-)
Nikolaus-/Weihnachtssocken mit Santa im Tarnanzug? Gestrickte Socken in rot weiss blau.
Es kommt wohl darauf an, was man für die Sachen verlangen kann. Handarbeit ist ja nicht gerade billig.
Aber ich denke, dir wird sicherlich was einfallen.



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