Friday, March 02, 2007

Sorry typepad users

I just want to send this little note out to all my friends/readers/blogs I read, that are using typepad and are wondering why I'm not leaving comments. Well, I can't. I don't want you to think I'm a snob and don't like you anymore, but it's hard for me to leave comments on typepad blogs lately. It' takes forever to get into the comment section and when I finally get to type in my comment and it's supposed to be saved ... yeah, right... it gives me an error message. So, please understand if I don't leave a comment on your blogs, it's not me, I still love all of you, it's my computer, server, or whoever might be responsible/blamable for this mess. That's why you might find emails instead. Hey, gotta find a way, because I'm sure willing.

Did all of that make sense? I hope so. :o)


At 11:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Methinks you just don't like us. Or maybe I'm not your friend. J/K! No worries!

At 11:18 PM, Blogger Verona said...

Hallo Angelika
Ich kann das gut verstehen mit dem Computer. meiner war fuer drei Tage in der reparatur (ich hatte mir einen Virus gefangen)und musste an einem "alten" arbeiten, der fuerchterlich langsam war und auch nicht recht functioniert hat. uebrigens, ich habe deine Email Adresse nicht mehr, koenntest du sie mir nochmal schicken???
Alles liebe Verona


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